Initial Considerations
- The basic Survey Queue function displays a list of your surveys to a participant all on a single page, showing all surveys that are to be completed (like a 'to-do' list) as well as the surveys that the participant has already completed.
- Surveys can be set to appear in the Survey Queue based upon 1) if the participant has completed a particular survey, and/or 2) if certain conditions are met (based upon data values).
- The Stealth Survey Queue will guide the participant to the next survey but keep the Survey Queue table hidden from participants.
- The Stealth Survey forces "Auto Start" feature to be enabled for all queue-activated surveys.
- This is useful if users wish to use the Survey Queue to automatically guide survey participants to the next survey without displaying the queue of surveys.
- The feature was previously an external module but is now integrated into REDCap
The Process
There is a new "Keep the Survey Queue hidden from participants" setting in the "Set up Survey Queue" dialog on the Online Designer. To enable do the following:
- In your project's Online Designer click Survey Queue
- Click Keep Survey Queue hidden to enable the functionality