For anyone that has a University of Utah ID to become a REDCap user, do the following:
1. University employees must start this process. To start the affiliate ID request process you will use the HR affiliate ID request form. (Log in with your unid and campus password)
The affiliate ID form requests these attributes to submit the form:
- Last Name (required)
- First Name (required)
- Birthday (required)
- Please enter the email address, street address and phone of the affiliate where possible.
- Affiliate Type: 10025 Other HSC
- Reason For Entry: Access to CCTS Applications (REDCap, OpenSpecimen)
- REDCap must be included in the reason to be exempt from a background check for affiliate ID requests.
- Start Date (now)
- End Date (maximum of one year from now)
- Notify (You can enter your email address and others in a comma separated list.)
2. Once you receive the new affiliate ID creation please notify the external user that their affiliate ID is ready with the instructions in the email from U of U HR.
- Notify the external collaborator an affiliate ID is created
- Include the instructions to log into CIS and set a password.
- Once the user has been notified their ID is active they can be added to REDCap project(s). Instructions on how to add a user to a project are here: Add New User To Your Own Project
Affiliate accounts must be renewed or extended by the requestor after the 1 year end date from the time of affiliate creation.
1. University employees must start this process. To renew affiliate ID use the HR affiliate ID request form. (Log in with your unid and campus password)
- Choose Extend Affiliate Access
- Then enter the previous unid issued to the account your are extending and choose a new exit date.