Branching Logic Basics
Click the branching logic icon on the field that is only required for certain participants. Here you can drag and drop (easiest method) or use advanced syntax and hand type your logic in the box above. as seen below:
Drag and drop format
Decide which instrument your logic is coming from for that field
If there is no branching logic for a field, that field will always present itself to every participant.
If you rename the variable for a field, remember to change the branching logic that contains that is associated with variable name. For instance if you change [gender] to [gender_one], you will need to go to the field that has branching logic [gender]='1' and change the branching logic to [gender_one]='1'.
Always test your project thoroughly to ensure your branching logic is working as expected.
(Here we are saying age not equal to 18). So this will fire if age is equal to anything except 18.
When to Use Quotation Marks
You must ALWAYS put single or double quotes around the values in the equation UNLESS you are using > or < with numerical values.
The field for which you are constructing the Branching Logic will ONLY be displayed when its equation has been evaluated as TRUE. Please note that for items that are coded numerically, such as drop downs and radio buttons, you will need to provide the coded numerical value in the equation (rather than the displayed text label). For example:
Branching Logic Math using Advanced Syntax
“<=” less than or equal to
Examples of all math logic
Branching Logic with Events
To locate your event name to append before a variable you go to “Define my events” and there will be a column called “unique event name”. This will be the name that needs to be appended before the variable that belongs in that event. An example of an event name is [demographicsvisit_1_arm_1].
If you have multiple arms in your project, event names will be different per arm, for example if we have the event Demographics in each arm and we have two arms, then the event name will be [demographicsvisit_1_arm_1] or [demographicsvisit_1_arm_2].
In order for your logic to work, you need to look for the “Valid” note at the bottom of your branching logic window.