Long term studies
Clinical trials
Recruitment and enrollment combinations
Multi-site studies
Repeating surveys (medications, lab results, adverse events forms)
Enable Longitudinal functionality
Navigate to your project, and select the “Project Setup” tab
Under the “Main project settings”, click “Enable” next to “Use longitudinal data collection with defined events?”
Assign user rights, roles, and/or DAG’s
Assigning User Rights to team members should be a carefully thought out decision. The consequences of poor user rights decisions could be damaging to the security and integrity of the project. See Knowledge Article User Rights & Roles
The User Rights page can be used to determine the roles that a user can assume within a REDCap database. The Data Access Group on the other hand determines the data visibility of a user within a REDCap database. A typical use of Data Access Groups is a multi-site study where users at each site should only be able to view data from their site but not any other sites. Users at each site are assigned to a group, and will only be able to see records created by users within their group. See Knowledge Article Data Access Groups