Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Once the project has been moved to production, you will not be able to easily edit the project fields!

  • You will be able to move the project to draft mode and make modifications, which will then need to be approvedby a REDCap administratorbefore taking effect, however some changes may be automatically applied. The system will tell you if your changes were automatically applied upon ‘submitting draft changes for review'

  • Some data fields may be impossible to change once in production mode.


Design changes after the Production phase are discouraged. You can lose data. Checking and testing the changes is harder than in the Build phase, and can result in data loss.

  • Some design changes must be re-submitted through the  REDCap administrators and will not be visible or take effect until the  REDCap administrators approve the changes.

  • Request the minimum number of design changes possible, and do so in a manner that will not destroy prior collected data, whether or not you believe you will use that prior collected data.  The data dictionary will not upload when you change the position of the field, edit the label, edit the variable name, or edit SQL code.

  • Always make a copy of the data dictionary before making any significant production changes.

  • Caution: the data import tool can override the existing data.

  • Changes to any variables may affect programmed calculations and/or branching logic. It is the responsibility of the requester to review and test all calculated fields and branching logic prior to submitting changes.


The below table provides


a summary of the impact of project changes on your production data:



Change Type

Data Impact

Further Explanation

Variable Name / Field Name

Add new

No Data Loss

The new field will be added to all records.

Variable / Field Name


Data Loss

This deletes the field and all the data entered for that field.

Variable / Field Name


Data Loss

This is equivalent to deleting a variable and adding a new variable, thus the data is deleted.

Form Name

Add new form

No Data Loss

New form/fields will be added to all records.

Form Name

Change via data dictionary upload

Data Loss

Form completeness data will be lost. Form names can be changed within the Online Designer without data loss.

Form Name vs. Form Label

Rename form

Possible Data Loss

Recommend renaming the Form Label rather than the Form Name. The data dictionary renames the form. All form status values (unverified, complete) for ALL records will then be reset to “Incomplete”. The Online Form Editor will NOT change the form name and only renames the form label, preserving the form status for all records.

You can re-name the survey title (if it’s a survey) within survey settings without changing form name or label

Note: Form name “back end” name (data dictionary ex:”baseline_data”) does not appear on screen.

Form label “front end” name displays on screen (ex: “Baseline Data”)

Field Units

Add, Modify, Delete

No Data Loss

This would merely change the field unit label.

Section Header

Add, Modify, Delete

No Data Loss

No data loss as it is descriptive text.

Field Type


Possible Data Loss

Depending on the change, data can be lost.

Examples of changes that can be made without data loss:

  • Radio button response sets to drop downs, or

  • Drop-downs to Radio buttons.

Examples of changes that can be made that cause data loss:

  • Radio dropdown buttons to check boxes, (and vice versa) or

  • Text box to calculated field.

Field Label


Possible Data Confusion

Changes to question caption may change the meaning of data previously entered. Simple spelling corrections or format changes are not problems.

Response Choices


Possible Data Impact and Confusion

-If the choice added at the end of a list, no data is lost, but there could be confusion in the final data analyses. New choice will be added to all records.

Response Choices


Data loss

Deletes the choice and ALL data entered as that choice.

Response Choices


Possible Label Mismatch

Codes are not automatically re-mapped to new codes. Data entered remains the same in the database. Relabeling codes may change the meaning of data entered.


Add, Modify, Delete

Data Confusion

Forms with saved calculated field values will not automatically recalculate when changes are committed. Values should be derived and confirmed in analysis. All forms with values should be resaved to update stored values.

Slider Labels

Add, Modify, Delete

Possible Data Confusion

If the changes impact how respondents answer the question, former data may not be consistent with data after the change.

Field Note

Add, Modify, Delete

No Data Loss

No direct data impact as it is descriptive text.

Text Validation Type

Add, Modify

Possible Data Loss

Data entered as free text or other type of validation text may no longer be valid.

Text Validation Type


Possible Data Confusion

Field becomes open text field.

Show Slider Number

Add, Delete

Possible Data Confusion

If the changes impact how respondents answer the questions, former data may not be consistent with data after the change.

Text Validation Minimum

Add, Modify, Delete

No Data Loss

No data impact since out of range data can still be saved.

Text Validation Maximum

Add, Modify, Delete

No Data Loss

No data impact since out of range data can still be saved.


Add, Delete

No Data Loss

No direct data impact.

Branching Logic

Add, Modify

Data Loss

Fields that will be hidden due to updated logic but that already contain data will prompt data erasure.

Branching Logic


No Data Loss

No direct data impact, but may impact missing data analyses. Fields will remain visible.

Required Field

Add, Delete

No Data Loss

Data can still be saved without completion of required fields.

Custom Alignment


No Data Loss

Display only.

Question Number (surveys only)


No Data Loss

Display only.

Matrix Group Name

Add, Modify, Delete

No Data Loss

Display only.

Section Headers

Add, Modify, Delete

No Data Loss

Descriptive fields can be changed/deleted/added without any loss since they don’t store data
