Navigate to ‘Shipments’ using the hamburger menu on the OpenSpecimen homepage. Choose ‘Containers’ from the ‘Create’ button. Complete the required fields: Name, will auto populate Sending Site = (Site name for the applicable freezer) If you’re unsure of the freezer’s name, navigate to your container menu to verify
Receiving Institute = ‘University of Utah Health’ Receiving Site = 'Cellular Translational Research Core' Notify Users = your CTRC contact NOTE: while this field is not marked as ‘required’, if you do not input the appropriate notifying user, the CTRC will be unaware of your shipment!
Click ‘Next’ Paste/Input container names copied/exported from step 2 Click ‘Add’ After clicking ‘Add’ the confirmation of shipments will appear for review. Confirm accuracy! Click ‘Ship’ to finalize shipment
The shipment record is created! Proceed with sending the samples to the new location. The individuals specified in ‘Notify Users’ will receive an email with this information and they can then access and receive your containers when they arrive at the new location.