A Participant Contact List is used to have a survey recorded under a particular participant. It is smart to use this when you have records of participants already in the system. You can keep track of what participants have filled out a survey. Here are the steps to do this:
- Do you have a question asking for and designed to collect a person's email address? If not, here is how you collect one: select the validation as "Email" on a text box question. (circled in red in image below)
For more direction, do the following: go to the form you'd like to ask for the email on, add "Text Box (Short Text)" question, and select "Email" in the Validation box (circled in red in image below) - Go to “Project Setup”, scroll to the “Enable optional modules and customizations” box, and click on “Enable” next to “Designate an email field to use for invitations to survey participants”. (circled in Red in image below)
- A box like the one below will pop up. Select an email field from the box. If one is not available, go to project and create a question that asks for a participants email address. Be sure it's assigned to be an email question by selecting "Email" in the Validation box.
- Once the email addresses are added, they will be listed in the “Participant List” (Circled in green below). This is located in “Manage Survey Participants” (Circled in Red below).
- To send the survey to participants, click on “Compose survey Invitations” (circled in orange above). A box similar to the one below will pop up. On the right side of this box, it will show all email addresses you have entered. Select all participants you would like to send the survey to and click send.
- The surveys have now been sent, If you want to view who they have been sent to, go back to the "Participant List". It will mark the participants you sent the email to by putting an envelope with a green check mark in the "Invitation Sent" column (circled in Red below). It also keeps track of which participants have responded.