Contact list
2-Way Text Chat
Appointment Reminders
Simple Surveys
1-way integration for a singular redcap project’s ‘Alerts & Notifications’ (additional fees associated)
Important Considerations
Typically a copy of your approved IRB document that notes SMS/ text message communications is required to facilitate opt-in requirements of this service.
Please plan accordingly if you wish to use this service as this asset will be required in the request process!
The Annual subscription includes…
2 user logins
3,000 messages message segments per year
1 Mosio projectSingel 2-way SMS Mosio Dashboard (project)
Other Fees: (as applicable)
Additional Projects: $9 / Month
If you wish to have additional user logins , you may pay for () additional accounts (max total accounts allowed ())
$3 per Login /Monthpurchase as needed
$3 / Month (per login)
If your project uses more than the allocated 3,000 messages per year, you will be charged a ‘High Message Utilization Fee’ and be granted an additional 3,000 message segments
$50 (per 3000 messages/year)3,000 messages/year)
Additional REDCap SMS Project: $9 / Month
For example, if you wanted to setup a REDCap project with mosios SMS service in order to deliver your REDCap project alerts and survey notifications (for the same IRB effort as your 2-way account), you may purchase an additional phone number to facilitate that interaction.
You may not purchase another 2-way account for the same IRB effort. Only a single 2-way account per IRB effort is permitted.
Mosio Guides