The printed name of the signer.
The date and time of when the signature was executed.
Note: Time of signature will be tracked within REDCap logging and does not need to be recorded on the form itself.
The meaning (review, approval, responsibility, authorship, etc) associated with the signature.
Note: This requirement is covered by the certification of the signature by the participant, as well as the signature of the coordinator on the documentation of informed consent.
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How to Implement Electronic Consent in REDCapResearchers must follow procedures to meet compliance as outlined in the eConsent REDCap Template project templates. There are 2 to start from when requesting a project:
Fields and forms may be amended based on study requirements. For FDA regulated studies, the e-consent and documentation of informed consent instruments should be used as is.
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Gathering Participant Contact InfoInitial participant contact information should be collected by study personnel and entered into the Participant Contact Info instrument. This instrument will collect the date, participant’s name, email, DOB, and preferred language, consent type, age group, and a field that will trigger the e-Consent form to be sent electronically.
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e-Consent Instruments