Versions Compared


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Longitudinal Projects
This Knowledge Article reviews both Single and Multi-Arm Longitudinal Projects.
It is extremely important to give much consideration to the design, development and testing of your Longitudinal Project. Understanding reporting considerations & needs is critical. Thorough testing is essential for success.
Initial Considerations
Longitudinal projects provide collection of data over time in order to track changes and progress. Longitudinal projects are useful in the following situations:

  • Long Term Studies

  • Clinical Trials

  • Recruitment & Enrollment Combinations

  • Multi-Site Studies

  • Repeating Surveys (Longitudinal Survey Projects)

Enabling longitudinal feature allows any form or survey to be reused over the course of time and provides opportunity to designate specific instruments at specific time points (events). Longitudinal instruments eliminate the need to recreate the same form for multiple time points. Instead, the form is created once and then assigned to various time points throughout the project. Examples of forms used in longitudinal mode include:


  1. Create your instruments. See Build a Project

  2. Enable Longitudinal Mode at the project level

    1. Navigate to your project

    2. Select the "Project Setup" tab

    3. Click the "Enable" button next to 'Use Longitudinal data collection with defined events"

  3. Set up User Rights

    1. Assigning User Rights to team members should be a carefully thought out decision. The consequences of poor user rights decisions could be damaging to the security and integrity of the project. See Knowledge Article User Rights

    2. The User Rights page can be used to determine the roles that a user can play within a REDCap database. The Data Access Group on the other hand determines the data visibility of a user within a REDCap database.

      1. Data Access Groups restrict viewing of data within a database. A typical use of Data Access Groups is a multi-site study where users at each site should only be able to view data from their site but not any other sites. Users at each site are assigned to a group, and will only be able to see records created by users within their group. See Knowledge Article Data Access Groups

    3. Navigate to the left navigation bar and select User Rights:

    4. Add user with customer rights or assign to a role


    1. To create DAG, navigate to tab adjacent to User Rights

  1. Define Events for the Project (e.g., patient visits, tasks or point in time)

  2. On Project Setup Page, navigate to "Define My Events"


  1. Image Added


    1. Type the title of the event in the text box


    1. Image Added


    1. Select "Add New Event"


    1. Repeat above steps until each of your events have been created

  1. Link Instruments to relevant events

    1. From the Project Setup page, navigate to "Designate Instruments for My Events"


    1. Image Added


    1. Select "Begin Editing" button


c. Click to place a checkbox on the grid for each instrument / form / survey that should be assigned to each event


b. Use test data a close to real as possible and simulate the workflow you intend to use.

c. Knowledge Article – Testing Your Project

Advanced Longitudinal Study


h. To separate by sites, need to use Data Access Groups or create separate projects


Additional Considerations

  1. Best practice to always add Record ID to every arm to prevent REDCap issues, especially if using surveys

    1. Create a "single landing page" with just Record ID. Can be invisible to user with a "Thanks for Participating Page" with Submit to continue. See Knowledge Article Longitudinal Surveys

  2. Actions that can cause data loss in Longitudinal Projects:

    1. Deleting Events

    2. Deleting Arms

    3. Decoupling Forms from Events

  3. If you create additional forms once project is in Production, need to request REDCap support to link forms to Events.

  4. Give much consideration to User Rights. If you want to segregate data based on location but have a form that is common to both sites, a user with rights to that form will see data from both sites. Create Data Access Groups

  5. Branching logic in a Longitudinal Project must identify the arm and the field name.

    1. Classical Branching Equation:

      1. [field1] = '3'

    2. Longitudinal Branching Equation:

      1. Can cross both forms and events, so need to indicate event and field

      2. [event_3][field1] = '3'

  6. Survey Expiration

    1. Is server time, not what is on your computer

    2. Survey expiration takes all copies of the survey offline.

      1. Warning: If you have survey that is used multiple times in a longitudinal survey if you expire the survey after the first event, be aware that it will expire all the surveys in following events

  7. Save and return later

    1. The User Code is often lost and user can't find the code when they want to return to complete the survey.

    2. Alternative is to design shorter surveys and poll multiple times via automatic invites

  8. Anchor
    Deleting or Disabling a survey in Survey Settings.

    1. There are 2 "delete" buttons for any given project.

      1. 1 is in Online Designer – deletes entire form and data is lost

      2. 1 is in Survey Settings – reverts survey back to a form. Data is still available
