Will data entries of the 2 users be maintained after data is compared and merged? Yes, the original data entry is maintained as [record_id]--1 and [record_id]--1 with the merged data as [record_id]
I am a data entry user, but when I view a record it does not have the format [record_id]--1 or [record_id]--2, why is this? Data entry users cannot see the other data entry user’s data, and thus the record will only appear as [record_id] without any dashed identifier as entry 1 or 2. Once data is merged, reviewers will see [record_id]--1 [record_id]--2 and [record_id]; however, the data entry users will still only see 1 record (their originally entered data) as [record_id]. Note, this data entry users cannot see the merged record.
How do I export only merged records? Navigate to the REDCap left menu > Data exports, reports, and stats > create a report > step 1: identify who has access to the report, step 2: identify what data you plan to include in this report and export, step 3: select “use advanced logic” for filters > type in the follow logic: not_contain([record_id],”--”) > save report > view report > “export data” button at top of report
Once a record is merged, what happens to changes to forms for [record_id]--1 and [record_id]--2 ? Any changes to these initial records will not be applied to the merged record. Reviewers can see the updated [record_id]--1 and [record_id]--2 records.
To apply changes to the merged record, a reviewer can enter the merged record [record_id] and manually make the changes. Alternatively, the merged record can be deleted (REDCap left menu > add / edit records > select [record_id] > “choose action for record” dropdown > delete record > then re-merge [record_id]--1 and [record_id]--2
Is DDE compatible for repeating forms? No, DDE will only apply to the 1st instance of a repeating form.
Why is auto-numbering disabled with DDE? Because records are numbered with --1 or --2 afterappended to the record ID, the auto-numbering will not function properly.