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Initial Considerations

This guide describes the process & steps needed to request a REDCap, 21 CFR Part 11 Validated project.

21 CFR Part 11 Compliance enforces provisions which requires that:



The project PI is responsible for ensuring both the above requirements are met throughout the life of their study.


Cost Factors

NoteThere is a fee associated with use of REDCap for a 21 CFR Part 11 Instancevalidated project instance whether you build the project on your own or if BMIC project assistance is needed.

  • Self-built Validated projects require a flat-fee journal entry

  • Validated projects which will be built by the BMIC team required require the flat-fee charge, plus additional project build fees as determined by a statement of work and project design.

  • Projects NOT requiring 21 CFR Part 11 compliance under FDA regulations or sponsors requirements do not have this associated fee and should not be requested as a 21 CFR Part 11 REDCap project.

    • For instance if your general research project is using econsent for non-FDA regulated study and has no sponsor requirements for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance, no additional validation fee is required.


The Process

  1. Register project in: Protracks System

  2. Select the below services:

    1. Biomedical Informatics Core (REDCap Project Request)

    2. Biomedical Informatics Core (21 CFR Part 11 Validated Request)

  3. To complete the initial registration process for [validated projects] there will be total of 3 ProTracks forms which need completed (they will sequentially appear in the ProTracks registration process):

    1. CTSI Services Requested

    2. CTSI Project

    3. BMIC Project Information

  4. Upon selection of [21 CFR Part 11 Validated] service, a BMIC help ticket will be automatically generated for your project in the BMIC REDCap Service Desk

  5. The BMIC team will then review your request & schedule a meeting to proceed

  6. Upon completion of meeting, a 2 survey(s) will be sent to study personnel for completion:

    1. Work-auth form to capture details for flat fee / project build (as applicable)

    2. PI sign-off & acknowledgement of REDCap Validated instance requirements & approval of project recharge fees

  7. After PI Sign-Off is captured, the BMIC team will communicate with key personnel using the BMIC Help ticket to perform the below tasks (as applicable):

    1. Approve creation of study teams Validated Developmental project

    2. Proceed with next steps for [BMIC built] project


Additional Considerations


In the event the projects assigned PI or Study Coordinator changes throughout the course of a Validated project, it is the PI’s responsibility to communicate this update to ( in order for the Protracks CTSI project registration to be updated accordingly

  • NOTE: The PI and Study Coordinator emails provided within the Protracks registration forms will be used to send important notices regarding Validated features / functionalities as they are released or critically changed
