REDCap Help Docs
1. Go to "Project Setup" This is located in both spots that are circled below
2. Click on "Define My Events"
3. Now scroll to the bottom of the page to add a new event. Here you enter the Days Offset, Offset Range, and the Event Name (e.g. Visit 2). Next click on "Add new event". The bottom of the page is displayed below.
4. Once a new event is added, you need to assign which Collection Instruments will use this event. To do this, scroll to the top of the page you're on and click on "Designate Instrument for My Events" (circled in Red below)
5. Now click on the "Begin Editing" button. Select which instruments belong to the new events you added. Once Selected, click "Save" at the top. ("Begin Editing" and "Save" buttons are circled in red in picture below.)