How to Select PHI/PII Identifiers

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How to Select PHI/PII Identifiers

Not sure what constitutes as ‘Identifiable data’?

View: Rules and Policies - Protecting PII - Privacy Act

  • Method 1 should be used while you are building your project, or when you are building new fields in ‘draft mode’

  • Method 2 is used as a ‘final review’ before requesting your Developmental project be moved to ‘Production Mode' in order to collect real data

Method 1:

  1. Navigate the ‘online designer’ page

  2. Click to ‘edit’ to the identifying field

  3. On the right hand side of the field setup page, select ‘yes’ under the ‘Identifier?’ section:

Method 2:

  1. Select "Check For Identifiers" in Project Setup tab (Circled in red below)


2. A list of all the question Variable Names and Field Labels will be listed here. Select the PHI's by clicking on the "Identifier?" box that is located next to each question. A picture of the "Check for Identifiers" box is shown below.

View: What Are PHI and PII Identifiers for detail on what an Identifier is.




3. Once identifiers have been selected, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Update Identifiers" (circled in red below)