Stats & Charts

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Stats & Charts

Stats & charts are used to display project data in graphic plots and the descriptive status.  It is designed to assist in data cleaning and evaluation.  To use it, do the following:


  1. Click on "Data Exports, Reports, and Stats"  (circled in red below)

  2. Click on the "Stats & Charts" button that's located next to report you would like to view this data for (circled in red below)

  3.  The plots & stats will automatically appear for all fields that are included in the report.  However, in a box at top you can select if you want to show plots & stats, show plots only, or show stats only (box shown in image below)

  4. If you scroll down, you can view plots and/or stats about each question that is included in the report  

    1. The image below is an example what it looks like for questions that ask for a number.  If you click on any of the points on the plot, it will navigate you to that form for that exact record

    2. The image below shows what the plots & stats look like for a multiple choice question