Data Access Groups (DAGs) & the DAG Switcher

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Data Access Groups (DAGs) & the DAG Switcher

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Initial Considerations

Data Access Groups (DAGs) restrict viewing of data within a database. A typical use of Data Access Groups is a multi-site study where users at each site should only be able to view data from their site but not any other sites. Users at each site are assigned to a group,  and will only be able to see records created by users within their group.  The DAG Switcher allows a user to move between different DAGs.

How to Create DAGs and Assign User to a Group

  1. To apply Data Access Groups (DAG) to your project, you first need to have rights to Data Access Groups (visit User Rights). Next follow the steps below:

    1. Click on DAGs

2. Enter name of DAG in the "Create new groups:"

3. Click "Add Group"


Next, Assign Users to Data Access Groups:

  1. Ensue user has access to the project,

    1. Select the user from the "Assign User" dropdown box

    2. Select which DAG the user belongs to and click "Assign".

    3. As an example I have assigned Mei to Site 1 DAG.   Scott and Lindsey are assigned to DAG Site 2 in the image below:

  2. Any user not assigned to a group has global access within the project. This type of unassigned user can access all records in the project.

    1. Global Access User - To see a list of the records within a Data Access Group, navigate to the Record Status Dashboard. Select a group from the dropdown list for ‘Displaying Data Access Group.’ The Dashboard will reflect only those records within the specified Data Access Group.

    2. Group Member - If you are a DAG group member, the records on this page will include only those within the group you are assigned.

  3. Assign records to Data Access Groups.  Records will automatically be designated to a DAG when data is entered by a user that is assigned to a DAG.  However, if a person that is not assigned to a DAG enters data, the record will not be assigned to a DAG.  Instructions on how to assign it to a DAG are described below:

    1. Go to any form of the record you'd like to assign to a DAG

    2. In the top right corner, select from the dropdown list which DAG the record belongs to (circled in red in image below)

    3. Click Save

  4. Record creation:

If the project has record auto-numbering enabled, then when a DAG member creates a record, a unique DAG ID is prepended to the record number. 

How to use the DAG Switcher

A user assigned to a Data Access Groups (DAG) can optionally be assigned to multiple DAGs, in which they may be given the privilege of switching in and out of specific DAGs on their own whenever they wish.

Enable multiple Data Access Groups for users under the Data Access Groups tab

  1. Below there are two DAGs (Site 1 & Site 2). Mei has the capability to switch between both Sites 1 & 2 while Sclaerhout is limited to DAG2.

Switch Data Access Group

When assigned to multiple DAGs, the user will see a blue banner at the top of every project page, which will present them with the option to switch to another DAG.

Data Access Group import/export and DAG-User assignment import/export - New

The Data Access Groups page displays a drop-down list of options for users to import/export Data Access Groups, which allows users to bulk create or rename DAGs via a CSV file. It also allows for the import/export of DAG-user assignments via CSV file to bulk assign/reassign/unassign users from DAGs in a project.

Additional Considerations

  1. Users who are not assigned to a group can view ALL records. And users who are assigned to a group will only be able to see records created by users within their group.

  2. In order to use DAG Switcher, at least two DAGs must be checked for a user.

  3. The DAG Switcher feature does not override a user's current DAG assignment, as set on the Data Access Groups page or on the User Rights page.

  4. The DAG-user assignment import affects only a user’s current DAG assignment. It has no effect on the DAG Switcher assignments for the user.

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