How To Test Data Collection

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How To Test Data Collection

Entering test data also showcases fields/displays you are dissatisfied with in the project. It is very simple to make any changes and edit your project in development, however, when project is in production it is very difficult to make changes.

Initial Considerations

It is necessary to enter test data into each of your data forms while in Development mode. This aides in exposing errors prior to moving a project the Production Mode where real data collection occurs. Once a project has been moved to Production Mode you will not be able to easily edit the project fields. However, you will be able to move the project to draft mode and make modifications, which will then need to be approved by a REDCap administrator before taking effect. Some data fields may be impossible to change once in production mode.

The Process

  1. To enter data, navigate to your development project and click "Add / Edit Records" from the left-hand Data Collection menu:

  2. Next, the box below will display,  This is used to enter a new participant or select an existing one.  Click on Add new record:

  3. Enter data for each field in your project. Save the form to verify your project is functioning as desired. Once the project is moved to production, simply select the option to delete existing data and the test records will be wiped from your project be Production in order to start from blank slate to collect real data.

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