Query builder is a tool on the TriNetX platform that helps you define your cohort by selecting both inclusion and exclusion criteria. Once you cohort is defined, there are other tools on the platform will help you explore and become more familiar with your cohort, as well as request help when needed. This article will help familiarize you with the those tools and will be helpful for first time TriNetX users as well as old users that needs a refresher.
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The arrow feature allows you to look for selections at a more granular level.
As you add more terms to your Inclusion/exclusion criteria, change the Boolean logic from AND to OR. Place cursor over AND and toggle to OR. Use the funnel icon to add more filters.
Create Group
To exclude a procedure that was conducted within a specific time period, you first need to create a group.
Select Time Constraint. The time ruler appears, you can adjust the ruler to select the specific time period. There is also the option to select specific dates. Select save.
As you add criteria to the query, you can select the Count Patients button at the top right. This will display how many patients in your selected network that meets the criteria you defined for your study. Count Patients feature gives you a quick check to see how the patient population is impacted based on the selections you make to the query. A query card i
To find out more granular details about these patients you need to run additional features in the navigation bar.
Population Graph view allows you to see a graphical view of males and females, by age, in the network. You At the bottom of the page under “Select Age Range” and “Select Sex” you can add an age range in and/or specific sex to the query to create a more targeted search.
Select the camera icons to download an image of what is shown on the screen. You can export graphics directly from the application , by downloading an image that which can then be included in a presentation or documentation, sent in an email, and used for bid proposals and discussion.
Studies are easy to modify, the can easily be modified, even an entire study can also be deleted from My Study page. It is good practice to spend time being becoming familiar with the features and tools available in the TriNetX platform by creating a practice study.
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Additional resources can be found on the TriNetX platform. Simply select "?" icon on the upper right and you can access great resources such as the TriNetX beginners course: TNX 101 and TNX 102.