Mosio provides an interactive texting platform allowing research teams to manage and engage with their participants. The platform grants the study team access to their own, unique, project dashboard to facilitate 2-way text messaging with research participants whether that be a simple conversation, appointment reminders, or xxxxxxxx. alerts.
2 way text chat tool, video guides:
The CTSI will handle the initial setup up the your project account with Mosio, however it is the study teams responsible to configure and manage their dashboard /communications with research participants to meet their project needs.
Important Considerations:
Additional Projects: $9 / Month
Only applicable for projects under the same IRB as the base, annual subscription project.
Unique (annual subscription) projects are required for each IRB effort
If you wish to have additional user logins, you may add ()
$3 per Login /Month
If your project uses more than the allocated 3,000 messages per year, you will be charged a ‘High Message Utilization Fee’
$50 (per 3000 messages/year)
Getting started:
For Mosio help
FAQ guides:
... Other FAQ’s: