Welcome to REDCap 101!
The following course is designed to get you up to speed quickly on the various features within REDCap, and the processes necessary to assist you in utilizing the features for your study and projects.
We will first introduce you to ProTrackS, a web-based service request system used by the CTSI to track services and resources needed by researchers. We will then walk you through the REDCap application reviewing the entire lifecycle of a REDCap project – including initial configuration, data entry, and data export.
Click on the topics below to get started!
Table of Contents
Data Entry
After creating fields, enter some data. This is where most action happens for most REDCap users.
But what if some data fields are conditional?
Branching logic
Enter branching logic.
Can enable this for individual fields, entire forms.
Repeating Instruments
If you have forms that should be used multiple times (and have no idea how many times), then repeating instruments are useful. Enable this in setup, then designate the instruments that get repeated. Can also customize the "title" so you can differentiate between the different instances
Longitudinal Projects
Sometimes you want to collect data across multiple time points, and also repeatedly use the same form for these different points. Can do this by enabling the "longitudinal" option.
Creates events, and can designated instruments to each event that you want it to show.
So far we've covered everything that happens within REDCap. Access is limited to those who have uNID, or affiliate uNID.
Once enabled as survey, can use instruments to collect data outside of the REDCap data entry screen.
In Survey Distribution Tools, can set up a public link that you can share with anyone. In this case, first instrument (with record ID) needs to be survey, and all responses are collected anonymously, unless you collect identifying information in this specific survey.
If you're trying to collect data and don't care about linking subsequent responses to an initial survey response, then you can just use the public link. If you need another survey, will have to create a separate project.
If you want to continue collecting data and link a specific response to an initial survey / record, you need to collect email addresses in the initial survey.
You also don't have to use the public survey link- every survey could be a private survey sent specifically to a participant's email address. In this scenario, you would collect the participant's contact information and directly enter it into REDCap using the normal data entry screen, then use the survey distribution tools (or automated survey invitations) to send out invitations.
Automated survey invitations
Once you have the contact information of your participants, you can schedule invitations that go out automatically.
These can be triggered by certain conditions and/or time points that you set up.
Survey Queue
What if you have certain surveys administered depending on certain conditions?
You can use this to set up conditions that compile the list of surveys that participants need to complete depending on conditions.
Form Display Logic
You can also do the same function by using Form Display Logic, if you wish.
Alerts and Notifications