Title: | REDCap 101 Training Overview | |
Owner: | Sumon Chattopadhyay | |
Creator: | Sumon Chattopadhyay | May 04, 2022 |
Last Changed by: | Randy Madsen | Sept 18, 2024 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://utahctsi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQC7h | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (10)
REDCap 101.1: Registering your project in ProTrackS
REDCap 101.2: Accessing REDCap
REDCap 101.3 Creating and navigating a REDCap project
REDCap 101.4: Designing and configuring REDCap instruments
REDCap 101.5: Branching Logic
REDCap 101.6: Data Entry
REDCap 101.7: Introduction to Surveys
REDCap 101.8: Introduction to Longitudinal Projects
REDCap 101.9: Other Advanced Features
REDCap 101.10: Reporting
REDCap 101.1: Registering your project in ProTrackS
REDCap 101.2: Accessing REDCap
REDCap 101.3 Creating and navigating a REDCap project
REDCap 101.4: Designing and configuring REDCap instruments
REDCap 101.5: Branching Logic
REDCap 101.6: Data Entry
REDCap 101.7: Introduction to Surveys
REDCap 101.8: Introduction to Longitudinal Projects
REDCap 101.9: Other Advanced Features
REDCap 101.10: Reporting
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