Initial Considerations:
When creating a ‘CONTAINER’ shipment, all specimens hosted within said container(s) will be shipped.
Image AddedWhen containers are shipped,
all specimens within the container remain active in your protocol
and will be transferred to other freezers at a different location, such as the CTRC Biorepository. A transfer event will be noted for each specimen in the container.
You will be able to see these specimens, but you will not be able to edit or manipulate those specimens until they are received back to your lab.
(1) CTRC must be added as a ‘site’ within your specific collection protocol, if it is not already there.
The ‘Administrator’ user role can perform this in your CP, otherwise request this action be performed by submitting a https://utahctsi.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/4/group/39/create/74
(2) Create a query identifying the container box names to be shipped to CTRC, view below:
(insert video)
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title | How to query your container names, click here to expand! |
NOTE: the purpose of building a query is to obtain an exportable list of your container names, which will then have to be pasted into the container shipment in step (3)
Steps:Access “queries” from your left-hand menu. Click to ‘create’ new query. Select the collection protocol in which the specimens are stored that will be shipped to CTRC. Select Specimen section > type in ‘container name’ > select the ‘container name' under ‘container details’. (Note that there are multiple subsections where you can find Container Name, so ensure you select the one under 'Container Details’.) Click operator ‘ALL’. Select to ‘parameterize’.
Click ‘Add’. Image Added
Add any other filters that will help you to limit the number of boxes that you might want to display, such as ‘Specimen Type’. Click ‘View Records’ Image AddedClick ‘Actions’ > ‘Columns’ Image AddedDe-select any unwanted fields. At a minimum, include ‘Specimen Labels’ and ‘Container Details’ > ‘Container Name’. In the ‘Aggregates’ step, click ‘Count’ under Aggregate Functions, Choose to count ‘Specimen Labels’ by clicking on the ‘0' to the right (it will become a '1’). Image AddedClick ‘Done'
This will display all containers that meet any criteria that you described. Save Query by clicking ‘Actions’ > ‘Save’ > title your query accordingly. View Records will display all of your Containers with the count of the number of specimens in each box. Image AddedSelect the boxes to be shipped using the Container Name filter and then choose ‘Export’ from the Actions button to produce a .csv file of the container names. Proceed to Step 3 below to create your shipment!
(3) Create your shipment, view below:
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title | How to create a shipment, click here to viewexpand! |
Navigate to ‘Shipments’ using the hamburger menu on the OpenSpecimen homepage. Choose ‘Containers’ from the ‘Create’ button.  Complete the required fields: Name, will auto populate Sending Site = (Site name for the applicable freezer) If you’re unsure of the freezer’s name, navigate to your container menu to verify Image AddedYou will find the Site name associated with the freezers where your samples are stored. This is the ‘Sending Site’.
Receiving Institute = ‘University of Utah Health’ Receiving Site = 'Cellular Translational Research Core' Notify Users = your CTRC contact NOTE: while this field is not marked as ‘required’, if you do not input the appropriate notifying user, the CTRC will be unaware of your shipment! .png?version=1&modificationDate=1709322727970&cacheVersion=1&api=v2&width=441)
Click ‘Next’ to input Paste/Input container names from your exported query & copied/exported from step 2 and click ‘Add’. Image AddedAfter clicking ‘Add’ the confirmation of shipments will appear for review. Confirm accuracy! Click ‘Ship’ to confirm actionfinalize shipment Image Removed Image Added
The shipment record is created! Proceed with sending the samples to the new location. The individuals specified in ‘Notify Users’ will receive an email with this information and they can then access and receive your containers when they arrive at the new location. Image Removed
Before you begin,
Receiving Site: Identify the Site to which the samples will be sent. Contact the Biorepository Manager to determine the name of the Room (Site) where your samples will eventually reside and enter that as the ‘Receiving Site’. Ensure that the CTRC Freezer Site has been added to your CP as a Site (contact your CP admin or send an OpenSpecimen helpticket to BMIC to request).
Receiving Institute: will always be University of Utah Health
Sending Site: Identify the Site where the containers are currently stored. The Site is listed in the container overview list of the freezers.
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