Versions Compared


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Initial Considerations

For private surveys, use the Participant Contact List: . This option allows you to send emails and track who responds to your survey. It is also possible to identify an individual's survey answers by providing an Identifier for each participant.  Here are the steps to design this:



The Process

  1. If the first instrument on the project is not a survey or you have follow-up surveys to send to participants, add a field to an instrument on the project that is designated to collect email addresses (usually works best to add it to the first instrument).  Here is how you create/edit a field to collect email addresses:

    1. Go to a form on your project and add or edit a Text Box question that asks for email address
    2. Select "Email" in the Validation box (circled in red in image below)
    , give question
    1. Enter a Field Label and a Variable Name
    , and click
    1. Click Save.

      Image Modified

  2.  Go to “Project Setup”, scroll to the “Enable optional modules and customizations” box, and click on “Enable” next to “Designate an email field to use for invitations to survey participants”.  participants”  (circled in Red in image below).

  3. A box like the one below will pop up.  Select an email field from the dropdown box and save (note: email addresses entered in this field will be used to send the survey(s) to).  If one a field is not available, go to project and create a question that asks for a participants email address.  Be sure it's assigned to be an email question by selecting "Email" in the Validation box.
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    Once the email addresses are added, they will listed, follow the instructions on step 1 on this page.

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  4. When the question asking for the email address is answered and saved, it will automatically be listed in the “Participant List” (Circled in green below).  This is located in “Manage Survey Participants” “Survey Distribution Tools” (Circled in Red Orange below).
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    1. Participants emails will appear either:
      1. being added as a list on this first page (purple button)- this only appears if the email field is located on a survey which is the 1st instrument, or
      2. when a new record is created and an email is entered in the email field
        Image Added

  5. To send the survey(s) to participants, click on “Compose survey Invitations” select the survey from the event box (circled in orange red above) and click on “Compose survey Invitations”.  A box similar to the one below will pop up.  On the right side of this box, it will show all email addresses you have entered.  Select all participants Select all the email addresses you would like to send the survey to and click send. 
    (located on the right side of the box), enter the Subject (located on the left side of the box), fill out anything else in the box you feel is necessary, and click "Send Emails" (located at the bottom right corner of the box).

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  6. The surveys have now been sent,   If if you want to view who they have been sent to, go back to the "Participant List".  It will mark the participants you sent the email to by putting an envelope with a green check mark in the "Invitation Sent" column (circled in Red red below).  It also keeps track of which participants have responded .


  1. by putting with a green check mark next to their email address (circled in orange below)
      Image Added

Additional Considerations

The participant list is not the only way to distribute surveys. The Public Survey is another option (often meant for anonymous surveys). However, surveys can also be distributed via email in REDCap by opening individual records, navigating to the survey, and either opening (for in-person data collection) or sending an individual invitation. Furthermore, surveys can be scheduled using Automated Survey Invitations (ASI) to occur at specific points, this feature works great for follow-up surveys.