Title: | View Previous Training Sessions | |
Owner: | Tyler Ford (Unlicensed) | |
Creator: | Tyler Ford (Unlicensed) | Dec 17, 2020 |
Last Changed by: | Mary Irion | Aug 29, 2021 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://utahctsi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/GQAXS | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
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BMIC Training Presentations (1)
BMIC Training Presentations Home |
Children (16)
Multilanguage Module (6/10/2022)
REDCap Survey Design (Aug 28)
Special BMIC Presentation: Research Data Networks (9/25)
CCTS REDCap Updates (10/2)
Building a REDCap Longitudinal Study (10/23)
Ensuring a Perfect Project - New Features (11/20)
REDCap Do's And Don'ts (12/18)
Branching Logic
Training Session: Branching Logic (1/22)
Training Session: Open Microphone - General Forum (2/26)
Multilanguage Module (6/10/2022)
REDCap Survey Design (Aug 28)
Special BMIC Presentation: Research Data Networks (9/25)
CCTS REDCap Updates (10/2)
Building a REDCap Longitudinal Study (10/23)
Ensuring a Perfect Project - New Features (11/20)
REDCap Do's And Don'ts (12/18)
Branching Logic
Training Session: Branching Logic (1/22)
Training Session: Open Microphone - General Forum (2/26)
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