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Record Labels, Auto-Numbering & Unique Identifiers
This article reviews the below topics related to Record keeping
Unique Identifier: The first variable listed in your project is the unique identifier which links all data for a specific record across all instruments
Auto-Numbering: REDCap is set to automatically number records by default
Custom Record Label: Used to display a specified field next to the participants record number
Secondary Unique field: Unlike the value of the primary unique identifier field, it will not be potentially visible in a URL, but does allow for a secondary field to be displayed next to the record number
To see these in action, expand the topic below that you wish to review
Unique Identifier
Auto-Numbering of Records & how to disable
Custom Record Label
Secondary Unique field
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: If the unique identifier is arbitrary to me, can the system auto-assign a unique value to each of my records?
Yes. You can enable auto-numbering for naming new project records on the Project Setup > Enable optional modules and customizations page. This option will remove the ability for users to name new records manually and will instead provide a link that will auto-generate a new unique record value. The value is numeric and increments from the highest numeric record value in the project. If no records exist, it will begin with '1'.
Q: How can I set the default auto-numbering to start at a particular number such as 2000?
You can disable auto-numbering and add the first record using the ID number as the start value. Once this record is saved, you can enable the auto-numbering customization, so subsequent records will be created starting after 2000.
Q: What's the difference between the unique identifier, secondary unique identifier and the redcap_survey_identifier?
The first variable listed in your project is the unique identifier which links all data for a record.
The secondary unique field allows you to identify another unique identifying value of the field (e.g, name, subject number).
The redcap_survey_identifier is the identifier defined for surveys when utilizing the Participant Email Contact List and sending survey invitations from the system. The "Participant Identifier" is an optional field you can use to identify individual survey responses so that the participant doesn't have to enter any identifying information into the actual survey. This field is exported in the data set; the email address of the participant is not. More info: Participant Identifier