Important Considerations
Upon project creation, all REDCap projects only have a single arm by default. Typically, only a single arm is needed for most project workflows. Arms can be used in the event that a study has groups of different participants, which follow unique workflows, however we discourage using Arms for this use-case and instead suggest the use of (FORM DISPLAY LOGIC).
Exporting & Reporting metrics function differently when working with multiple Arms:
x, y, z
When adding new records to the project, it’s critical the participant be added to the correct arm. Often users forget they have multiple arms causing error.
Once a participant is added under a specific arm, there is no built-in REDCap functionality to move the participant to different arm
So when should you use Arms?
The Process
To use ‘Arms’ your project must first be enabled as a longitudinal project
If you project isn’t already longitudinal, this typically indicates you do not/should not utilize the arms functionality! More info:
Navigate to your ‘Project Setup’ page and click ‘Define My Events’
Here you will see the option to add an addition arm
Title Arm & Save
Designate instrument to Arm events (just like you would in a single armed, longitudinal project)
Designate & Save
Additional Considerations